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Katie Pine, C-IAYT Yoga Therapist

Created by:- Katie Pine
Katie Pine, C-IAYT Yoga Therapist
Reconnection Yoga Therapy, LLC

2727 Bryant Street, Suite 500

Denver, CO 80211

I am a Denver-based C-IAYT Yoga Therapist with more than 1,000 hours of teaching and training experience to support my therapeutic client work, and am the owner of Reconnection Yoga Therapy, LLC. I offer in person and virtual Yoga Therapy sessions and group yin yoga classes. In my private sessions, I specialize in grounding and awareness practices, breath and nervous system regulation and deep relaxation, all of which supported me in reconnecting with myself over 10 years ago when I first found yoga. I offer my clients tools to help them meet their health and wellness goals and access their innate healing abilities, and create holistic treatment plans which support them as they reconnect with their true, inherently whole selves.