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Ycb level 1 2 3 coaching


I m guiding  for Ycb level 1 2 3 ( Ayush mantralaya) affiliated course for theory and practical 

Batch starts from:01 Oct, 2021
Course duration:1 month to 3 months

Course Classes

Theory of ycb Regular

I m teaching theory of yoga which includes following topics

Gyan yog, bhakti yoga, karm yog, patanjali yog, Bhagvat gita, Upanishad, therapeutic knowledge of yog, panchkosh, shatchakras, physiology, Aatomy,, psychology, education and other topics of yogic text like gherand sanhita, hatha paradipika, hath ratnavali, yog vashisth

Class duration:2 hours
Class Schedule:Everyday
Class Start Time: 14:00 IST (India Standard Time) - GMT+5:30
Offered by:- Rita yoga