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island of calm within minutes - beginners meditation

Here is a little gift (not just for mothers but for everyone that has or had one ;-)

A little island of calm

We keep your first steps into meditation simple and allow you to just sample space and grounding.

Of you are more familiar enjoy the space this opens and use the track below to melt into oneness.

Want some?

It's like going into a vast space, being used to a mini home. It is the "open sesame" for your base chakra. Where your base instincts loom.

Uncertainty and change are certain to upgrade your base chakra, tho.

It might seem that life blasts it to bits bevor it rebuild, breathe, ground and trust the process. I m here for support.

I AM can be also used when:

You are speaking to someone that is struggling, to hold your energy and stay grounded

When you yourself feel disconnected and lonely

When anxiety looms

On the go, when going for a walk to tonify and strengthen your nervous system

Try it and please do share here your experience to motivate others to give it a try

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As I upload often when I'm not around and till I post it... it takes a while.


Wayne dyer

Here is an introduction. For 8 min and then 2 x 20 min music which is divine to get you started

Simone Moir

My passion for health stems from the experience of having been given a second chance in life.

The most valuable thing we have is our health.
It sometimes has to let us down first for us to realize that Yoga has allowed me to turn my weaknesses into strengths, to transform the chains of habit into the power of discipline, to move me into better balance and learn to trust my ...

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My passion for health stems from the experience of having been given a second chance in life.

The most valuable thing we have is our health.
It sometimes has to let us down first for us to realize that Yoga has allowed me to turn my weaknesses into strengths, to transform the chains of habit into the power of discipline, to move me into better balance and learn to trust my instinct. Yoga enriches my life without restricting it.

Instead of meeting you as a patient, needing help or rescue, I meet you as an equal holding the torch for you so we can navigate your own body mind and soul on an empowering journey. We set you up for a lifetime of inspirational self-enquiry of body mind and ... what else is there

Becoming a mother had taught me so much and not just about pregnancy first hand. I know how it is not to sleep for months, still finding

peace of mind. To make healthy food yummy for school lunches and so much more. Most of all how hard it is to fit your daily practice in 
Yoga not about being good all the time, it’s about living your life making your own choices and feeling good doing so.

I have the best job in the world, where people thank me every day for improving their quality of life.

What could be more fulfilling than ENCOURAGING POSITIVE TRANSFORMATION?

We are all unique and I look forward to helping you to re-shape your future.

“If a man happens to find himself, he has a mansion which he can inhabit with dignity all the days of his life.”
James A. Michener quotes U.S. novelist

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